how to pronounce lap


audio example by a male speaker

audio example by a female speaker

the above transcription of lap is a detailed (narrow) transcription according to the rules of the International Phonetic Association; you can find a description of each symbol by clicking the phoneme buttons in the secction below.

lap is pronounced in one syllable

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video examples of lap pronunciation

An example use of lap in a speech by a native speaker of american english:

“… not a victory lap but you know an …”

meanings of lap


  1. A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, etc. or in polishing cutlery, etc. It is usually in the form of a wheel or disk that revolves on a vertical axis.
  2. A place of rearing and fostering.
  3. A component that overlaps or covers any portion of itself or of an adjacent component.
  4. That part of any substance or fixture which extends over, or lies upon, or by the side of, a part of another.
  5. One circuit around a race track, or one traversal down and then back the length of a pool.
  6. The act or process of lapping.
  7. The female pudenda.
  8. The amount by which a slide valve at its half stroke overlaps a port in the seat, being equal to the distance the valve must move from its mid stroke position in order to begin to open the port. Used alone, lap refers to outside lap (see below).
  9. A sheet, layer, or bat, of cotton fiber prepared for the carding machine.
  10. The upper legs of a seated person.
  11. The loose part of a coat; the lower part of a garment that plays loosely; a skirt; an apron.
  12. An edge; a border; a hem, as of cloth.
  13. The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down; that part of the person thus covered.
  14. The state or condition of being in part extended over or by the side of something else; or the extent of the overlapping.
  15. Clipping of laparoscopy.
  16. In card playing and other games, the points won in excess of the number necessary to complete a game; — so called when they are counted in the score of the following game.


  1. To enfold; to hold as in one's lap; to cherish.
  2. To polish, e.g., a surface, until smooth.
  3. To be turned or folded; to lie partly on or over something; to overlap.
  4. To take (liquid) into the mouth with the tongue; to lick up with a quick motion of the tongue.
  5. To overtake a straggler in a race by completing one more whole lap than the straggler.
  6. To cut or polish with a lap, as glass, gems, cutlery, etc.
  7. To rest or recline in a lap, or as in a lap.
  8. To envelop, enfold.
  9. To wind around.
  10. To wash against a surface with a splashing sound; to swash.
  11. To wrap around, enwrap, wrap up.
  12. To fold; to bend and lay over or on something.
  13. To place or lay (one thing) so as to overlap another.


  1. Clipping of laparoscopic.

lap frequency in english - B2 level of CEFR

the word lap occurs in english on average 18.7 times per one million words; this frequency warrants it to be in the study list for B2 level of language mastery according to CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference.

words with pronunciation similar to lap


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