how to pronounce quad


audio example by a male speaker

audio example by a female speaker

the above transcription of quad is a detailed (narrow) transcription according to the rules of the International Phonetic Association; you can find a description of each symbol by clicking the phoneme buttons in the secction below.

quad is pronounced in one syllable

press buttons with phonetic symbols to learn how to precisely pronounce each sound of quad

example pitch curve for pronunciation of quad


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video examples of quad pronunciation

An example use of quad in a speech by a native speaker of british english:

“… and a quad Dooku comedies are le …”

meanings of quad


  1. A quadriplegic person.
  2. A quadcopter.
  3. A blank metal block used to fill short lines of type.
  4. Abbreviation of quadrillion BTU. (10^15 BTU).
  5. A poster, measuring forty by thirty inches, advertising a cinematic film release.
  6. Four shots of espresso.
  7. A quadrilateral.
  8. The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price bound in a single volume.
  9. A quadrangle (courtyard).
  10. A quadrupel beer.
  11. A kind of round-robin tournament between four players, where each participant plays every other participant once.
  12. A joke used to fill long days of setting type.
  13. A quadruplet (infant).
  14. A quad bike (from quadricycle).
  15. A keyboard command which aligns text with the left or right margin, or centred between them. In combination, as quad left, quad right, or quad centre.
  16. The quadriceps muscle.


  1. To align text with the left or right margin, or centre it.
  2. To fill spaces in a line of type with quads. Also quad out.
  3. To ride a quad bike.


  1. Having four shots of espresso.
  2. Of or relating to quads.

quad frequency in english - C2+ level of CEFR

the word quad occurs in english on average 1 times per one million words; this frequency warrants it to be in the study list for C2+ level of language mastery according to CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference.

words with pronunciation similar to quad


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